Monday, June 12, 2006

"Lesson Learned" - or - "A New Personal Rule of Conduct - #2"

I will never again buy generic cotton swabs. Q-Tips are the ONLY way to go.

Update, 2006/10/18: Yes, Rule #1 came long after this post... but this item is now considered not only a lesson learned, but a "personal rule of conduct;" now Rule #2, to be exact.


Jomama said...

Amen to that. You'll stab yourself trying to use the generic one. My husband actually prefers the generic ones because Q-tips are "too soft."

Elizabeth said...

Oh I thought that went without saying.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I thought I was the only one who discovered the difference! :)One word for generic..EW

Effie said...

'cause the fluff falls off and you end up accidentally sticking a fluff-free stick into your ear?

Not that that has ever happened or anything....

Anonymous said...

Yikes. I'm sorry you had to learn that the hard way, babe. ; )

Once I went cheap and bought generic and I swear I lost a good 40% of my hearing by the end of week one, because I couldn't use those things to swab anything, let alone the inner canals of my ears.

Daly said...

I wonder if Winnie would know the difference? She LOVES cotton swabs and goes absolutely nuts when she manages to open the top drawer of our bathroom sink and steal one, animating them and stuff. I think she likes that she can snap them like little twigs and shred them with her kitty jaws! Hey...(stupid question or question from stupid person) where'd the name Q-tip come from?