Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Dooce in Demand!

This is STILL too funny ~ MRTL created a petition for to reopen her Daily Photo comments (this post of mine was initially made June 7th - but I've re-published, due to the nifty lil' dooceling graphic below made available, thanks to MRTL! - AND the fact that we need more sigs!).


and yes, I signed it already, back in June! Now whether the dooce-master reopens her comments or not, more power to the dooce. All I know is that my productivity has increased a great deal since she shut 'em down ~ and I imagine she's enjoyed having them closed - to a point... I'm sure she misses a few of her regular (make that totally crazy, yet 'regular' commenters) doocelings.


Amy said...

Yeah, to be honest, I think our little blogging circle is better off without the comments in a way.... There is only so much time in a day, after all!

Annejelynn said...

Amy: yes! it's hard enough to keep up with real posts - to add 500 dooce comments a day? I'd like one day of comments, maybe - awfully amusing

Effie said...

Yes, slightly more productive, now there are so many more blogs to read and enjoy the comments of...I still visit dooce though...
Maybe if comments were reopened people would only comment sparingly--so there'd only be a couple hundred comments/day