Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Noooo, yer Not Mistaken, You ARE in Vegas

This post was meant to be posted on Dec. 17th - -

This pic is meant to feature the western Vegas Valley snowfall, taken Dec. 16th.On the way home from work, stuck in wheel-spinnin' traffic.
The main loop through our development...
Anyone for volleyball?
The snow cover lasted for 5 days!?! The day we had our pre-Christmas celebration with the boy-O and his mommie, Wendy and her lovin'-man, on the 20th, there was plenty enough snow to make snowballs! And we have two of 'em sitting in our freezer still! - one from the 17th, saved for the angel boy-O, and the 2nd, he'd made on his own once he was in Vegas.

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