Friday, March 03, 2006

Blurred Vision

*UPDATE/CORRECTION* Things DID NOT slow down in pace = I was wrong; the moment came and quickly passed once I published this post last Friday. It was just another BUSY BUSY BUSY weekend of constant plans to attend to and continual running around, EXCEPT we did sit down after a 4hr+ brunch/lunch gathering to watch a DVD together on Saturday before running to Moorpark for a Symphony performance, followed by a long wait in a long line at Pink's. Back in Vegas now, my honey-man gave me a ride to work this morning, and while on our way, we had difficulty recounting all the many things we did over the weekend.
It's all a blur.

Written March 3rd: I'm in L.A. right now - arrived yesterday. Funny enough, for the moment things are finally slowing down to a pace where I may soon be able to see straight... in L.A. of all places. This week has been a total blur - I had tried earlier in the week to write a post about my feeling real scattered lately, but I was too scattered to finish it.

I have some things to work on - that thing called my thesis - and some errands to run later, provided I really do get some work done. I'll stop before I run on and on, incoherently. I'll only say this: The quest for some decent house slippers for the angel boy-O continues... NOTE: I DID NOT SUCCESSFULLY LOCATE ANY SLIPPERS FOR THE ANGEL BOY-O, NOT ANYWHERE.


Unknown said...

Don't forget to stop every now and then and take a deep breath, sweetie.


Amy said...

LA! You have an exciting life, mon ami. Hope you get some work done on that thesis. And that you find the slippers!

Unknown said...

Thinking of you Annejelynn! I hope all is going well for you...

You want some of our snow? It's all yours... come and get it.