Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Stinky Cheese Man!

Second only to Tomie dePaola's "Wuggie Norple," this has gotta be one of my most very, very favoritest (not a word, I know) children's books in this whole wide world (arms now stretched out big and wide) ~ it's complete and total nonsense and it is juhhst utterly hysterical (I think)! I swear, its creation may be more for the amusement of the parents than the kids. I cannot wait to give it to my honey-man's angel boy-O... He began second grade this fall and the book is deemed "2nd grade reading material." I was absolutely thrilled when I read that! [Yah, I'm payin' attention to these details.] I just hope he likes it as much as I do!

When I first saw this book, I was at home in Iowa from Ricks College (now " BYU Idaho" - gag - choking - oh, please - excuse me, pardon me - GAG!) for the Christmas holiday. Sadly, I was about to break off an engagement and my little brother had the chicken pox = a purrfect distraction and at the same time, a perfect opportunity to simply spoil my cutie-patootie lil' bro. I think he was 6 years old at the time. The poor, pathetic lil' pox-covered pipsqueak was absolutely miserable, banished at all times to either his bedroom or a lonely couch. I was happy though to read him stories in bed, and I had him join me downstairs where I was staying in the guest room. I have a grrrrreat picture of him covered head to toe with crazy red bumps, wearing a huge, oversized T-shirt for Pjs, and he's sitting next to me on the guest bed - and you can tell he's trying hard to look serious, suspressing giggles.

My "little" brother now stands 6 feet tall, plus, oh another 6 inches! and still growing!?!? He's 14 years my junior, but "little" by no means. Every time I see him, I can't help but remember when he was only 3 years old, running down the basement hallway after me, begging at the top of his little baby 3 year old lungs for the return of HIS binky, yet giggling like a little mad man as I dangled it only inches from his reach... cruel, yes - but he was soooo damn cute!!! The cutest!!!

Anyhow, The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales! it's a Fabulous book! and a blast to read out loud! Note: it must be read aloud with various voices used; whether high pitched and fast or low and slow, make sure each of 'em is as goofy as could be = no other way is acceptable with a book like this. And yes, this post serves as my blantant plug for the book.
Check it out!


Elizabeth said...

Isn't this the book that Meg Ryan is reading to the children in her book store in "You've Got Mail?"

Ern said...

I wish they wrote such imaginative books for adults!

Also, I TAGGED YOU! Rules are on my site if you feel like playing. Otherwise, carry on!

Unknown said...

I love where the wild things are too. for kids a bit younger tho. WHen I was young my favourite book was the Pokey little Puppy - I still have a copy of it and it's great.

Effie said...

My little sister got that book about 7 years ago or so--maybe more--I've read it quite a few times and laughed out loud!

I think Meg Ryan was reading that book in "You've Got Mail"