Monday, August 29, 2005

Weight Watchers Hilarity Cards

How I found this source of hilarity, I won't explain in full detail - I will simply credit the dear Ladybug.

As I can tell, "Candyboots" hit the jackpot when she discovered her mother's long-treasured Weight Watchers recipe cards, circa 1974 - ya gotta go check these out!


Effie said...

OK--some of those looked slightly appetizing if they didn't have those names attached--like that Czarina Casserole. I had a giggle though--thanks!

Oh--and FIRST!

Ern said...

That is all just too, too funny. And sadly disturbing. It's a wonder any of our parents are sane at all!

What is with the need to make things fluffy and/or gelatinous? Salmon...Mackerel...MELON...liver...tomatoes...apparently red cabbage...I just don't know what to think!

Katy Barzedor said...

To my way of thinkin', "gelatinous" is only good when it's Jell-O. No other time.

Amy said...

Chiaah! Mackerel! What the hell kinda fish is that for a diet? And pudding! Eeeww.