Monday, November 24, 2008

Zee Lastest 'I Will Settle Down Here' Kitty Locations

This post was actually written on July 11th, a few days before I wound up in the hospital... Apparently, it'd been forgotten. There's an update to include here, but I don't have those pics with me, so it'll have to come later...

Our two fuzzy boys, both Otis & Owen, they have recently claimed newly designated areas in our home for their individual "I will settle down right here" pleasures, because, ya know, they gotta maintain their claim over every square inch of our home, cuz ya know, they own it; it's their house.

Now I swear to you, this lil' shit, Owen, he knows quite well that HE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ON THE FREAKIN' KITCHEN TABLE!! ~ but I believe he'd figured out at this time that although I was just over 'there' on the couch, I was totally unawares, taking a nappy-nap...

This is the moment before he realized I was no longer sleeping.
...and this moment captures his valiant effort to pretend I wasn't there at all, totally refusing to leave his lil' slice of sunshine on the kitchen table.
And Oatie, he now loves the top of the front room TV. He now hangs out there, sleeps there... it's his 2nd favorite spot now.
One of Owen's new spots is particularly perplexing though - - I can understand the kitchen table (he can be a naughty kitty), but I don't know why he's chosen my sewing machine as one of his new daily perches of delight? Cuz it's oh-so cozy?

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