Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Revealing Deep Ridiculous Insecurity

Granted, not many of us actually 'know' each other, here in the blogosphere, but there are a few of you I just adore - I swear. Speaking of Spurious Plum in particular here... just a couple minutes ago after reading her delightful "100 Things About Me" post, I was chuckling to myself (while sitting in class, mind you), and I thought to mahself, "I would so love to meet you." And then what did my idiot self-conscious conscience say right back? "She'll think I'm boring."
Wha the - ? what's up with that ? why do I STILL do this ? Makes me feel like a little kid...although truth be told, I was a pretty confident child. Yet here I am; I'm 30 years old!


Closet Metro said...

I'm boring (and insecure) too. (Although I don't think you're boring.)

Spurious Nurse said...

No way, you're SO not boring! You rock, so the adoration is completely mutual!

It's funny, I was reading this, my own self-conscious conscience stepped up to the plate and said "Ha! If she only knew the boring life of Spurious...Anejelynn would see you for how boring you are. Sucka."

We should get together, get hammered, and leave our self-conscious consciences on the bar room floor. Where they belong!

Elizabeth said...

I do the same thing and you are so not boring. :)

Sunshine said...

i guess sometimes the experiences of the past brings forth some insecurities, no matter how old we are. it is normal to worry about what other people think of us, especially those you haven't met. anyway, how was your vacation in LA? i replied to your questions in my blog =)

Amy said...

Plum says clever things, like "self-conscious consciences"! So I see what you mean! And her profile pic looks so cool.

But you say clever things too, woman. And you take pictures of your shoes! And you made that awesome gel pen picture! And you are DIVORCED! That alone disqualifies you as boring.

You just keep your chin up. I'd love to meet you AND Plum someday.

(but you might think I am boring)

Unknown said...

Boring?! YOU?! Nevah! :)

Me, on the other hand, MRTL called me the other day and I loved talking to her, but now I'm sure she thinks I'm an idiot...

Your posts make me smile.