Monday, August 27, 2007

I Think I Might Be Tired

You know what I just did?

Knowing I'd be staying late at work tonight, I went back into the Front Office to top off my travel coffee mug. Now, I always get my creamer first, and so, with the THREE POUND bulk creamer container's lid in hand, I grabbed for the "community scooping creamer spoon" from inside the creamer container and began my scooping. Then, placing the creamer lid on the counter, I grabbed the coffee carafe for my top off and returned it to the burner once done. Then, bending to my left to toss the creamer spoon back into the creamer container, while at the same time grabbing for my mug's lid to then make my move to secure it, something went wrong...

I turn to look (as if I couldn't FEEL what was wrong!) and see that I have set the bright red, VERY LARGE creamer container's lid atop my travel coffee mug...


Kati said...

I was convinced you were going to say that you poured coffee into the gigantoid creamer container. See, you're not completely out of it yet. :) Something to look forward to!

Daly said...

I was like..."NoooOOOO!!! You didn't set the coffee mug in midair or something."

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I love you.