Saturday, June 30, 2007

Vive la France!

I have no idea what time it is... wait, um... Duh, my step-mum's wonderfully compact mini-laptop says it's 6:09 pm, Central time in the U.S., and the satellite TV console here in our flat says it's 1 am here. I really should go to bed - and I will, after I share a couple pics...

This first one shows the SPECTACULAR view from the front room window of the flat we're staying in...
Yeah, that big spire-like thing is the EIFFEL TOWER!?!
only a mere 3.5 blocks away!
[CORRECTION: After a couple days, we realized exactly where we were situated, less than 1 block away from the Champ de Mars!]

This one was taken in London, not far from Trafalgar Square, not more than a couple horus after the car bomb threat had passed. I wanted a picture of me taken with the guardsman's horsey for my honey-man.
Notice the sign to my left, just behind me? (Click on it for a larger image) That poor horse was frothing at the mouth and anxiously biting his bridle...
Hopefully, more later - - after my 2nd full day, I've got gobs and gobs of photos already, but they upload rather slowly, and I'm so pooped, I gotta get some shut eye for Versailles (sp?) tomorrow!


Ern said...

Have fun! You are so adorable. I love that jacket!

Unknown said...

What? France?! London?! What?!

Wow... I can't wait to see your pictures, love! Have fun! Travel safely!

Daly said...

What a cool view! Is it cold there? I heard about the bomb threat and hoped you were okay. Good to see you're alright (and didn't get kicked by the horse). Is that guy always sitting on the horse like that--in a frozen position (I know it's a still pic but...hope I'm making some sense)? Can't wait to see more pics!