Sunday, March 18, 2007

20 Years Gone

I think I'm finally at a point where this date will no longer land me in a fit of sobbing... maybe.

Some years, the day goes by just fine until bedtime.

Some years, it wells up over a weeks' time and spills over the day before.

Some years, I'm "fine" until someone calls on the phone.

One year, I'd forgotten and didn't remember until the day after.

For years, by choice, I'd spend the day alone.

One year, I spent nearly 3 hours on the phone with my Grandma Rae.

The year that marked my having spent half of my life without my mum, age 24, that was the worst.

This year? The day isn't over yet, but I've seen this day coming for several years now.

As of today, my mum has been dead for 20 years.

We'll see how the day goes.


Anonymous said...

I love you, Annejelynn.
And I send you my warmest hugs and smooches.

Random and Odd said...

*hug* The same thing that Sheryl said, she always says just the right thing.

Unknown said...

Love you. (((HUGS)))

I'll be thinking about you.

san said...


san said...

P.S. My Grandma died on March 18th - 25 years ago.