Monday, February 04, 2008

Why I Love Mah Honey-Man ~ Reason 22

[Be forewarned - - lots of really long and rambling sentences ahead!] Because this morning after I'd hollered from downstairs, "I love you!" and "Have a good day, baby!", etc., etc., I went out to the garage to my car to leave for work, and I realized I'd forgotten something, and when I came back inside, Owen had been meowing loudly after me, standing outside the closed laundry room door, and I could hear my honey-man sweetly calling for Owen from our bedroom upstairs, asking Owen what was wrong and to come up and see him...

And this was after Owen had kept my honey-man up all night, repeatedly bringing my honey-man a small, red, plastic tear-off seal tab from the lid of a plastic milk jug that Owen likes so much to fetch after whenever tossed. My honey-man awoke at least 4 times last night to discover Owen had placed the plastic tab either on his hand or arm, or near his face or at his toes, pawing each time at my honey-man for a toss of it. And each time, all my honey-man did was toss it for Owen!

Later today, I asked my honey-man how many times Owen had brought him the tab... and he said Owen had brought it to him 2 more times I'd left for work! Laughing, I told him that he should have gotten up out of bed to toss the tab down the stairs - - and then we both laughed, realizing Owen would have only brought it back upstairs for another toss!

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