Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Owen, Over Time

Each of these kitty pics, plus a few obvious pairings, were all at one time drafted for individual blog posts, yet never posted. Now combined together as one big post, here's some of what our lil' Owen has been up to over the past few months...
This one speaks for itself... typical kitty behavior.
For several weeks (cuz I left it lying on the floor, because...), Owen behaved as if this lil' baby clothes hanger would at any moment pounce and devour him! He'd be walking along by, all casual and smooth cat-like and he'd suddenly glance over and see it lying there, wherever he'd last left it, post-attack, and he'd rush backwards, away from it as if his very life depended upon it. Soon after this picture was taken, Owen opened a can of whoop-ass on that lil' hanger!
At my birthday party this year, my Grams and my aunt Radeane had surprised me with a fully-stitched baby quilt. It's actually the baby quilt from hell that my aunt and I had begun for me in the Summer of 2006. [SIDE NOTE: It was deemed 'the baby quilt from hell' because of all the curly-swirls to be hand-stitched around it's border.] Sometime before Halloween that year, we'd had to take it off the quilt rack, unfinished, to instead prioritize the stitching of 3 other baby quilts for babies actually about to be born into our family. Anyhow, I just need to finish the border now. Meanwhile, Owen has decided that it's his blankie, and wherever I've left it, he finds it and cuddles down for a kitty nap. I've placed it in the coat closet to keep him from it and found him on it; I've placed in a knotted, doubled set of plastic bags, which he tore open to crawl inside... And most recently, preparing to stow it away in some kitty-proof storage bin, I had to eventually wash it to remove the kitty hair, but before I'd determined a kitty-proof bin, I placed the blankie in our downstairs 'powder room' and shut the door.
As you can see... I opened the door and tah-dah!?! How the heck?
Owen also likes to claim all our laundry as his own private nest. We have lots of these kinds of pictures of him...
We bought a humidifier a couple weeks ago, and here's the plastic bag that the unit had been wrapped in when we'd opened the box...
It's almost a bit disturbing, isn't it?
oh yeah, and Owen has recently claimed the angel boy-O's super whatever-these-are-called things...
Taken by my honey-man from beneath our kitchen table: Owen on my lap during dinner.
This is Owen's new favorite pose when we find him on this landing of our stairs. Ya know, ya just need one leg down there, for um, balance? All these pics are from different occasions/days I've found him sitting like this...
And this lil' glass thing we have on our coffee table, filled with collected rocks? Since Owen was a kitten, he has loved to occasionally TRY to get some of the smaller rocks out with his paws, and it has never worked until the day this picture was taken. Moments after, for the first time ever, Owen successfully removed a small, white, very round piece of natural pumice stone. As it rolled off the coffee table to the carpet floor, Jen quickly scooped it up and placed it right back where it belongs - - It was a move that Owen missed entirely (I didn't want him chomping little his teeth on it), so he spent the next couple minutes looking around for his prize.

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