Wednesday, October 11, 2006

'Disconnected,' or better yet, 'Discombobulated'

I'm sad and confused. Although I'm sure as to why/where it's coming from (no confusion there), I'm unsure as to what to do about any of it. It all just seems to involve the kind of stuff over which I am purty powerless. The attitude I choose regarding this, that and the other, is my only hope - or - it'll be the end of my sanity.

It's all so painful. I wish there was something more I could do to help alleviate the pain or better yet, obliterate the pain, but there's nothing I can do to that end. Sometimes it just hurts. And sometimes, all we can do is be there for each other.

By the way, if you're ever suddenly thrown into a state of upset and confusion, 'discombobulated' is a fantastic word to describe that very state of mind = it's the only way to go. I like to pronounce it adding "boo" though, instead of "bob" alone...

"Dis - com - BOO - bu - lat - ed"


Anonymous said...

Hope things work out.
If you are feeling down you really should talk to someone about it..

san said...

What's going on? I hope you'll feel better soon!

Unknown said...

Hugs to you, love.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help, ok?

Anonymous said...

you would find a way to put the word boob into dicombobulated.

Hope things start looking up sweet.