Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Why I Love Mah Honey-Man ~ Reason 12

Because according to my honey-man,
yesterday was my Unbirthday!

~ Yes, my "Unbirthday!"

See, my birthday is within 2 weeks of Christmas and it's always kinda sucked to some extent since the age of 20, often overlooked, many suffering from post-holiday burn out, understandably so (although still sucky). And in the last couple years, I've begun to complain... well, Wendy's dear niece, Kati, her birthday is only 3 days from Christmas, poor girl! And so, she always has an Unbirthday later in the mid-year to make up for it... so my honey-man thought it could be a good idea for me as well. What a genius kind of man he is!

So, unbeknownst to me, my honey-man had planned a lil' Unbirthday for me last night!!! [CORRECTION: It was actually planned for Monday, but I had unknowingly changed the Unbirthday plans by setting up Monday night plans for us with my sister and uncle Lo-Lo.] My Unbirthday was such a lovely event! Made me cry, dammit! And it was the best Unbirthday I've ever had (and only thus far ~ although I have a feeling I can expect them in the future!), replete with the most purrrfect lil' kitty card, the sweetest thoughts written in that card, and dinner with both my honey-man and the angel boy-O, plus balloons and streamers
AND A TIARA (my first ever tiara, not that I'm into bling), plus delicious cupcakes from The Cupcakery AND my very own DANCE FACTORY for the PS2!?! ~ And we played Dance Factory the rest of the night! And all this happened after we'd met and finalized the arrangements for my custom made wedding band ~ so I was already in a most fabulously happy mood!

(The angel boy-O is the one behind the open fridge door ~ hee hee)

[POSSIBLE CLARIFICATION NEEDED: These pictures are meant to feature my happiness (top shot, of course) and my wonderful Unbirthday decorations hung by my sweet honey-man - - not how messy our home is!]


Daly said...

That is so sweet...he definitely is a keeper!

Unknown said...

That is SO cool! Happy Unbirthday! I love that they decorated and everything!

Sunshine said...

Happy Unbirthday! Hope you had a fun party. your decors are so cute..nice tiara too! you look really happy =)

Kati said...

Happy Unbirthday! Mine was always in June and I got presents for years! Mummy still calls me, though. :)