Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My "I Hit a Cow" Story: Part VII

Well, some news on my "I Hit a Cow" story: Although liability was turned over in the cow owner's favor [Meaning, I was the one found at fault for hitting the broadside of a solid black cow that was out loose on a public '65 mph limit' state highway at night - - although neither insurance co., neither mine nor his, found me guilty of driving negligence], his insurance policy is written to pay for medical bills, regardless... and so, SEVEN MONTHS LATER, I'm getting reimbursed for the medical bills I'd paid... the first check came this week! Only 6 more to go!


Effie said...

I still don't see how it isn't the farmer's fault for having his cattle roam the roadways...but then I'm from ONtario...
Hi Annej!!

Jeannie Alexander said...

oh my. i hit a cow this weekend and am totally disheartened to read the trials you've been thru. the nice farmer's wife showed up, and i accepted her word that the farmer would fix everything without bothering law enforcement etc. i guess i fell off the turnip truck (which is probably what i'll be driving now)