Thursday, April 21, 2005

Crossin' it off the 'List'

Well, since its first post, in the last 24 hours I've managed to whittle away some more of the things on my inhumane "to-do" list, so I've ammended the original post (see below): all the items now shown in this color should be considered crossed off, all done, finished..."Next please?"


Elizabeth said...

Your to do list is quite intimidating. LOL. You must be incredibly hard on yourself. Just reading it makes me want to take a nap.

Joseph said...

Ugh!!! That list is still here??? Are you trying to tell me something?

Okay, okay...I blog too much right now, I know. There is so much I could be doing right now.


Spurious Nurse said...

When are you breathing and peeing? You're fast!

Jodie said...

I keep a list -- but it's a 20 year list. Just the things I want to get done in the next 20 years, like replace the gutters and go to China.

You must have a lot of energy. Just looking at your list makes me want to take a nap. :)